Given Their History, This Gift was a Natural
They met at a museum. They married at a museum. Naming a museum in their will “is an expression of who we are.”
For 60-somethings Dan and Kathleen Hayman, finding Gainesville and the Florida Museum of Natural History was pure coincidence.
When Dan, a high school history and social studies teacher, and Kathleen, a communicator for nonprofits, were ready to retire from their jobs in Chicago, they wanted to move south. Problem was they loved volunteering with the city’s Field Museum of Natural History. Dan was a founding member of the Field’s Friends of the Library and Kathleen was on the Anthropology Alliance. They met at the museum and even married in the museum’s library, amid artifacts and original manuscripts, such as Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species and John James Audubon’s Birds of America.
Kathleen discovered a potentially great match for their retirement dreams in AARP the Magazine. The article described a city in Florida “where nature meets culture.” During their next snowbird trip the couple made a point to stop in Gainesville, and liked it so much they made it their new home.
When Dan and I go extinct, we hope our bequest will play a small part to help ensure that kids and adults will care about life on the fragile planet Earth as much as we do.Kathleen Hayman
Both are now UF enthusiasts — and donors. Dan volunteers at the Florida Museum of Natural History, where he manages the fossil cart and catalogs specimens for botany and malacology researchers. Kathleen enjoys spending time at both the natural history museum and UF’s Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art.
The couple believes so fervently in the Florida Museum of Natural History’s mission they named it in their will. In addition, a provision states that Dan’s rare books and manuscripts – works of scholarship from a variety of disciplines — will be given to the university’s Smathers Libraries. Kathleen’s West African books and artifacts – mostly gathered from her time in the Peace Corps in Ivory Coast — will go to the Harn Museum.
The Haymans, who never miss an opportunity to laugh, joke about “croaking” amid the frog exhibit. But they say they feel good knowing future generations will benefit from their passions.
“Years from now, I hope our gift inspires people to devote themselves at some level in the preservation of our precious Earth,” Kathleen says. “Our gift is an expression of who we are. We’re living out our values and our interests.”
Dan’s Favorites at the Museum of Natural History
Kathleen’s Favorite Specimens
Your will is a powerful way to make a meaningful investment in UF.
Whether honoring a loved one or supporting a UF program, it’s a simple way to create a lasting legacy. For information, contact the Office of Gift Planning at 352-392-5512 or giftplanning@uff.ufl.edu.