Ways to Give

Real Estate

Donating real estate to the University of Florida Foundation provides tax advantages while relieving you of the day-to-day responsibilities of property ownership. It will also establish your legacy at the University of Florida and support the UF programs that mean the most to you.

Property Types

The University of Florida Foundation accepts several types of real estate for the benefit of UF, including residential, commercial, forest, farm, and ranch land.

Giving Methods

You can donate property to the Foundation in four ways:

If you own real estate that you no longer use, such as a vacation home, an investment property that has become a hassle or a highly appreciated property that you are hesitant to sell in light of significant capital-gains taxes. Learn more

You might consider a gift of real estate through your will if you would like to continue to enjoy ownership of your property during your lifetime and reduce your estate-tax liability. Learn more

If receiving an immediate charitable income-tax deduction and payments for life would benefit your financial situation, you can support UF with a charitable remainder unitrust. Learn more

If you would like to support UF and receive an immediate charitable income-tax deduction while retaining the right to use your property for your life or another’s life. Learn more

Your Benefits

When you donate real estate to the Foundation, you avoid marketing the property and the capital-gains taxes triggered by its sale. Leaving real estate to heirs can create an estate-tax liability and could force the sale of other assets that might otherwise appreciate. Depending on the gift method you choose, you could also receive a significant charitable income-tax deduction and/or an increase in income.

The University of Florida Foundation evaluates all potential gifts of real estate for marketability and potential environmental concerns. We ask donors to supply detailed information on the property before accepting the gift.