UF Advancement makes it easy for donors to give online via credit card through our online giving system. Donors can access online giving using the Give Now button that appears on every page of the Advancement website. All online gifts must come through online giving, except for Giving Day donations, Annual Giving affinity campaign donations and event and auction registrations.
All funds available in online giving may be accessed through www.uff.ufl.edu/giving-opportunities and selecting from the colleges, units and other categories available.
Every fund available in online giving has its own Web page. The individual fund pages are pre-populated with the fund purpose that was entered into Advance when the fund was created (if available). They can be further customized with additional/replacement text, photos and video. Fund page URLs are standardized:
https://www.uff.ufl.edu/giving-opportunities/[fund number]-[fund-name-with-dashes-between-words]
New funds are automatically created in online giving the day after they are created by Finance and Accounting. Name changes and closed funds are updated automatically on the first day of each month.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I make a fund available in online giving?
New funds are automatically created in online giving the business day after they are created by Finance and Accounting.
Can I get a new fund online any faster than the next day?
No. Due to the complex processes and checks involved in making funds available in online giving, all funds must be created through the daily automation.
How do I remove a fund from online giving?
If you are not closing a fund, but wish to have it removed from online giving, you will need to submit a website request. Be sure to include the fund name, fund number and the reason for removing it.
How do I rename a fund online?
The fund names in online giving are tied to the fund names in Advance. If you wish to rename a fund, you must first submit a UFF-A to Finance and Accounting to have the fund name changed. The change will automatically be picked up during the next update on the first business day of the following month. If there is an urgent need, please wait for confirmation of the name change in Advance and then submit a website request.
A donor is setting up a memorial fund and would like to feature a link to the fund in an obituary. How do we make that happen?
The first step is to establish the fund with Finance and Accounting. The fund page will be created the next business day. You will need an appeal code from Annual Giving, please email annualgiving@uff.ufl.edu to make the request. Next step is to complete a vanity URL request, a specific type of website request. These requests are usually completed within one business day. If you need the URL sooner, please submit the request first and then email Jason Phenicie (jphenicie@uff.ufl.edu) to expedite, if possible.
How do I get a shorter URL?
Vanity URLs are available and are recommended for instances where a donor will have to type in a URL versus clicking a link. Vanity URLs for online giving take the form of UFgive.to/something. You can customize the something when you make the request. First, you will need to request an appeal code from Annual Giving, please email annualgiving@uff.ufl.edu to make the request. Once you have your appeal code, submit a vanity URL request, a specific type of website request. Vanity URL requests are typically completed within one business day.
If you need something more immediate, you can use the shortcut URL for the fund. This is simply the full fund URL, but ending after the fund number. For example, the shortcut for UF’s Greatest Needs would be www.uff.ufl.edu/giving-opportunities/009311
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