UF Advancement Strategic Communications and Marketing uses Photoshelter’s Libris as our photography library. This library contains:
- Campus photography
- Images from the colleges and units
- Portraits and candid images of university officials, alumni, and donors
- Photos from Advancement events
Libris allows you to browse the galleries, create collections of favorite images, and download full size image files for use in Advancement materials.
Requesting Access
Go to www.uff.ufl.edu/librisaccess.
Click the Request Access to UF Advancement Libris/Photoshelter button.
On the form, select your affiliation. If you are a UF Advancement employee, your information will be pre-populated after you select your name. If you are not a UF Advancement employee, you will need to manually enter your information and the reason you are requesting access.
Click the green Save & Close button.
You will receive a confirmation email from the project management portal (emails come from UF Advancement Communications, communications@uff.ufl.edu – be sure to mark this address as not spam).
Using Libris
Access UF Advancement’s Photoshelter at https://ufadvancement.photoshelter.com.
Click the Galleries menu at the top. This will display the galleries to which you have access.
You can search using the search bar or you can browse the individual galleries.
When viewing an individual image, you have have two options for saving/downloading (bottom-right of the screen):
- Add to Lightbox – Save one or more images to your lightbox to make final selections or to download all at once. You can create multiple lightboxes. You can access your lightboxes using the menu item at the top.
- Download – download the current image individually.
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