Special Program

Giving Day Ambassador Toolkit

Advancement Toolkit Stand Up & Holler: Gator Nation Giving Day Giving Day Ambassador Toolkit

Giving Day Ambassadors are an integral part of UF’s success on Giving Day. Ambassadors help promote Stand Up & Holler by sharing branded content, and encouraging their friends and family to be #AllfortheGators on Giving Day.

How to make an impact as a Giving Day Ambassador

  1. Sign up to be an ambassador at givingday.ufl.edu/pages/get-involved
  2. Use your Ambassador Kit: An Ambassador Kit will be mailed to the address you entered during registration. The kit will include a Flat Mr. 2 Bits – your partner in spreading the word about Giving Day – as well as additional instructions and swag.
  3. Share your custom Giving Day link: A week before Giving Day, a custom fundraising link will be emailed to you. Include your custom link each time you post about Giving Day so that we can measure the impact of your network.
  4. Post on your socials: Bring Flat Mr. 2 Bits with you wherever you go on Giving Day. At the office? Snap a picture of him in your conference room. At the park? Video Flat Mr. 2 Bits taking a ride down the slide. Share pictures and videos of your Flat Mr. 2 Bits to your social media pages like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram using the #AllForTheGators hashtag throughout the day on February 20 to spread the word about Giving Day.
  5. Don’t forget to make a gift to the areas on campus you are most passionate about on Giving Day – and use your custom link!


Hashtag for all Platforms: #AllForTheGators

Please use this hashtag in all of your Stand Up & Holler: Gator Nation Giving Day posts so we can tie the conversation together and show the scale of the campaign.



Talking Points

What is Stand Up & Holler: Gator Nation Giving Day

Stand Up & Holler: Gator Nation Giving Day is an all-day fundraising event, calling on the University of Florida alumni, students, faculty, staff, parents and families and friends to come together to support UF and all of its areas of positive impact in our state, nation and world.

What does a gift support?

Everything! Your support strengthens UF by fueling research, student success, and faculty excellence. Whether it’s student scholarships, groundbreaking research, or campus programs that shape the Gator experience, support what matters most to you at UF and pay it forward. Wherever you choose to give, your support empowers the next generation and inspires others to do the same.

Day of February 20: Social Media Post Examples

Let your followers know that on February 20 we need every member of The Gator Nation® to Stand Up & Holler for UF’s Giving Day by making a gift of any size to the college, department, research initiative, campus activity or program that means the most to them.

These are just suggestions – please put them in your own voice.

  • Stand Up & Holler for UF. Go to [INSERT YOUR UNIQUE URL* or GIVINGDAY.UFL. EDU] and make your gift today! #AllForTheGators
  • I am proud to Stand Up & Holler for [Insert Area of Passion]! It is Gator Nation Giving Day, find out more at [INSERT YOUR UNIQUE URL* or GIVINGDAY.UFL.EDU]! #AllForTheGators
  • Mr. 2 Bits says: “2 Bits, 4 Bits, Every Bit Counts!” It is Gator Nation Giving Day, join me in supporting UF. Go to [INSERT YOUR UNIQUE URL* or GIVINGDAY.UFL.EDU]! #AllForTheGators
  • The Gator Nation is everywhere! I’m bringing Giving Day to [INSERT LOCATION OF FLAT MR. 2 BITS IMAGE/VIDEO] today. Stand Up & Holler with me by making a gift at [INSERT YOUR UNIQUE URL OR GIVINGDAY.UFL.EDU] #AllForTheGators

*Your custom Giving Day URL will be sent 1 week before Giving Day. If you do not receive your URL please contact Emilee Cronin at ebcronin@ufl.edu.


Contact Information

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re here to help.

Thanks again for your support of Stand Up & Holler: Gator Nation Giving Day!

Emilee Cronin
Giving Day Ambassador Liaison

Annual Giving