Dr. Richard T. Smith and Jean W. Smith Scholarship Endowment
GA: support scholarships to deserving students in the College, selected on merit. The Donors' intent is to provide meaningful scholarships to at least four students per year by awarding them each 1/4th of the spendable income and for each student to receive the scholarship for all four years of the student's enrollment in the University of Florida College of Medicine. (The parties understand that for the first year, one scholarship shall be awarded, with an additional student added each of the following three years). The Donors hope that this scholarship can be used to recruit the highest quality students to the College, with a preference to those who have significant history of servant-leadership, humane perspective, and who demonstrate potential for a career dedicated to empathetic patient care. The scholarship may be renewed for up to three years, conditional upon continued demonstration of above attributes based on evaluation at appropriate program benchmarks.
The Smith family graciously established the Dr. Richard T. Smith and Jean W. Smith Scholarship Endowment to honor their parents. Dr. Richard T. Smith and Jean Smith’s enduring connection to the College of Medicine began in 1958 when Dr. Smith was recruited to Gainesville to serve as the first chair of the department of pediatrics. During his nearly 50 years as a UF faculty member, Dr. Smith also served as chair of the department of pathology and the department of anatomy and cell biology. Jean Smith’s influence is felt in the University of Florida Medical Guild, which she helped establish shortly after the hospital opened.
This scholarship supports deserving students in the College of Medicine, selected on merit. The Smith family hopes that this scholarship can be used to recruit the highest quality students to the College, with a preference to those who have significant history of servant-leadership, humane perspective, and who demonstrate potential for a career dedicated to empathetic patient care.
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