Kenneth C. Griffin Computer Science Education Professorship
GA: One million dollars (1,000,000) of the Grant shall be used to establish an endowment fund to be known in perpetuity as the "Kenneth C. Griffin Computer Science Education Professorship". The spendable income from the endowment fund shall be used to support a computer science education professorship in the College. The recipient of such professorship shall be a national leader in the computer science education field. The recipient shall be selected to lead the College's Computer Science Education program focused on providing computer science education to all future K-12 educators and appointed in accordance with all University policies and hold the rank required for the position by the University. Expenditures from the endowment fund shall comply with University and Foundation requirements.
GA: One million dollars (1,000,000) of the Grant shall be used to establish an endowment fund to be known in erpetuity as the “Kenneth C. Griffin Computer Science Education Professorship”. The spendable income from the endowment fund shall be used to support a computer science education professorship in the College. The recipient of such professorship shall be a national leader in the computer science education field. The recipient shall be selected to lead the College’s Computer Science Education program focused on providing computer science education to all future K-12 educators and appointed in accordance with all University policies and hold the rank required for the position by the University. Expenditures from the endowment fund shall comply with University and Foundation requirements.
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