Dr. Mia Livaccari Oncology Resident Support Fund
Support training of and research by small animal oncology residents and fellows.
The Dr. Mia Livaccari Oncology Resident Support Fund was established by a grateful client in memory of her beloved Bengal cat, “Ziggy”, and to honor the compassionate care provided by Dr. Mia Livacarri who received and completed her small animal medical oncology residency training at the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine.
The oncology residency program is a rigorous four-year program. A gift to support this program is especially appreciated by those dedicated professionals pursuing their oncology residency now and for years to come. This fund will go a long way toward helping our oncology residents achieve their goal of becoming compassionate, expert veterinarians fully prepared to care for and help heal our animal friends in academic veterinary medicine or specialty practice.
This gift made by Ziggy’s mom in Dr. Mia Livaccari’s honor is a true testament to the compassionate care demonstrated every day, and will be the first small animal oncology resident support fund at the college named after a former resident.
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