Alfred Coard Warrington IV and Judy A. Warrington Life Insurance Fund
Fund Purpose
GA: the spendable income from the Fund shall be used to fund premiums for the two (2) Foundation-owned second-to-die life insurance policies on the lives of Alfred Coard Warrington IV and Judy A. Warrington. When the premiums are no longer due, the principal and income from the Fund shall be added to the existing endowment fund known as the Alfred C. Warrington IV Fund (F006163), which supports faculty research grants, faculty expense budgets, and faculty development within the College, as the Dean, in consultation with the Provost and President, determines.
GA: the spendable income from the Fund shall be used to fund premiums for the two (2) Foundation-owned second-to-die life insurance policies on the lives of Alfred Coard Warrington IV and Judy A. Warrington. When the premiums are no longer due, the principal and income from the Fund shall be added to the existing endowment fund known as the Alfred C. Warrington IV Fund (F006163), which supports faculty research grants, faculty expense budgets, and faculty development within the College, as the Dean, in consultation with the Provost and President, determines.
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