Alisa B. Clearfield Cohen Behavioral Science Training Award
GA: support an annual award to a student in the College studying in Health Education and Behavior to attend an intensive training program held by a federal agency, national organization, or research foundation concerned with the relationships among health, behaviors, and the environment (for example, National Institutes of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation). Preference will be given to students registered with the University's Disability Resource Center.
Alisa B. Clearfield Cohen Behavioral Science Training Award to support an annual award to a student in the College studying in Health Education and Behavior in the College of Health & Human Performance at the University of Florida to attend an intensive training program held by a federal agency, national organization, or research foundation concerned with the relationships among health education and behavior.
Other College of Health & Human Performance Giving Opportunities

Giving Opportunity
Fred M. Smith Scholarship/Fellowship Fund

Giving Opportunity
UAA Endowed Professorship in the College of Health and Human Performance

Giving Opportunity
Ron and Julia Pinnell Endowed Scholarship