Jack and Edith Moore Endowed Scholarship/Fellowship
Fund Purpose
GA: support scholarship/fellowship awards to 4th, 5th and 6th year students studying in the School of Architecture at UF and support the academic and professional enhancement of the School of Architecture faculty. Preference to be given to students who: (1) need financial assistance (as determined by the Office of Student Affairs); (2) have an ability and sensitivity to good design, while at the same time are concerned with the practical aspects of architecture (i.e., those who can create a roof that will not leak); (3) have performed well academically in their studies other than architecture; and (4) have exhibited qualities of integrity and leadership. Not more than 10% of available funds in any year may be used for faculty enhancements.
GA: support scholarship/fellowship awards to 4th, 5th and 6th year students studying in the School of Architecture at UF and support the academic and professional enhancement of the School of Architecture faculty. Preference to be given to students who: (1) need financial assistance (as determined by the Office of Student Affairs); (2) have an ability and sensitivity to good design, while at the same time are concerned with the practical aspects of architecture (i.e., those who can create a roof that will not leak); (3) have performed well academically in their studies other than architecture; and (4) have exhibited qualities of integrity and leadership. Not more than 10% of available funds in any year may be used for faculty enhancements.
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