Robert H. and Lisa Nowak Jerry Scholarship Fund
Fund Purpose
Provide scholarships to students enrolled in the J.D. program at the Levine College of Law. Financial assistance is to be given for courses that count toward the award of the J.D. degree. The criteria for receiving a scholarship under the fund shall be set by the Dean of the College or his/her delegate, based on his/her judgment about what kind of financial aid will help enroll a highly qualified and diverse student body.
Provide scholarships to students enrolled in the J.D. program at the Levine College of Law. Financial assistance is to be given for courses that count toward the award of the J.D. degree. The criteria for receiving a scholarship under the fund shall be set by the Dean of the College or his/her delegate, based on his/her judgment about what kind of financial aid will help enroll a highly qualified and diverse student body.
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