Limagrain Challenge 2050 Project Fund
Fund Purpose
GA: To Support the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences' Challenge 2050 Project (C2P) to enhance leadership and entrepreneurial thinking in the curriculum. To support C2P's start-up cost and to support the director associated with C2P. May be used to support teaching, research, technology enhancements, student or faculty support or academic programs associated with C2P. (See GA for additional details)
GA: To Support the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences' Challenge 2050 Project (C2P) to enhance leadership and entrepreneurial thinking in the curriculum. To support C2P's start-up cost and to support the director associated with C2P. May be used to support teaching, research, technology enhancements, student or faculty support or academic programs associated with C2P. (See GA for additional details)
This fund support the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences’ Challenge 2050 Project (C2P) to enhance leadership and entrepreneurial thinking in the curriculum; supports C2P’s start-up costs and supports the director associated with C2P; and may be used to support teaching, research, technology enhancements, student or faculty support or academic programs associated with C2P.
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