UFPTI for the Children Endowment Fund
Ltr: Support pediatric program activities and pediatric department care givers. If at some future date, the UPTI (University of Florida Proton Therapy Institute), no longer exists as a separate entity, then the spendable income shall be used to support related pediatric programs at the University of Florida. (See donor letter for additional details)
This fund was established in 2012 by a group of donors to support pediatric program activities and pediatric department care givers at the University of Florida Proton Therapy Institute.
The UFPTI in Jacksonville, FL is one of only nine centers in the country and the only one in the Southeast using proton therapy to treat several kinds of cancer. Proton therapy is a precise radiation treatment that destroys cancer cells with minimal damage to surrounding tissue. Treatment with protons substantially reduces the amount of normal tissue exposed to radiation, making it ideal for treating cancer in children and young adults.
Since opening in 2006, more than 150,914 proton cancer treatments have been delivered to more than 4,377 patients at the UFPTI, ranking the facility among the top 10 proton therapy centers worldwide for number of patients treated.