Dr. Robert and Barbara Crisafi Chair in Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy
Amended GA: Support a professor at the College of Pharmacy, whose primary interest and work is related to medication safety, including reduction in medication errors and related fatalities and patient safety. Funds can be used as needed for graduate student support or residency.
Bob Crisafi, who received his doctorate in pharmacy from the University of Florida in 1956, has spent his career focused on patient safety and the role pharmacists can play in reducing medical error rates in hospitals. He dedicated his career to developing better ways of packaging and dispensing medication in hospitals, and he founded 12 successful companies over the years that have designed innovative systems to improve drug distribution.
For the past 40 years, my passion has been to play a role in lowering the drug error rate in our nation’s hospitals, said Crisafi. I want my university, the University of Florida, to carry on my vision.
The gift established an endowed chair at the College of Pharmacy that will work in conjunction with UF Health Shands Hospital to generate new studies and processes to further reduce drug errors at hospitals. The goal is to improve patient safety at hospitals throughout the United States