Gravenstein Scholars Program
GA: support scholarship awards to outstanding residents in the Dept of Anesthesiology at the College of Medicine and other expenses necessary to promote development of these scholars as academic anesthesiologists.
This fund was established in 2009 by Shirley Graves along with a group of donors in honor of Joachim Gravenstein to support scholarship awards to outstanding residents in the Department of Anesthesiology at the University of Florida College of Medicine.
Joachim joined the UF faculty in 1979 and retired as a graduate research professor of anesthesiology in 1996. He is noted for his work in the development of human patient simulators at UF. Invented at the McKnight Brain Institute, the simulator, Stan was the brainchild of a team that included Joachim. Stan’s initial development began in 1986 and by 1994 the technology to create Stan clones had been licensed to industry, over half of all patient simulators use UF Technology.
Joachim passed away in 200
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