Bayard Wickliffe Heath Memorial Lecture Series on U.S. Antitrust Policy
GA: support a series of annual lectures by prominent scholars on the status and enforcement of antitrust policy, particularly with respect to anti-competitive practices; donor's wish is to support generally 2 lectures annually, preferably in Feb and Oct, but with administrative flexibility as to frequency and timing depending upon speaker availability and cost per lecture; to insure adequate funding, Public Policy Center in Business agrees to permanently co-sponsor the lecture series and provide funding for 1/2 the honoraria and other incidental costs associated with the lectures series; additional info on Appendix A.

Bayard Wickliffe Heath
This fund was established in 2009 by Inez A. Heath, in memory of her husband, Bayard Wickliffe Heath, to support a series of annual lectures by prominent scholars on the status and enforcement of antitrust policy, particularly with respect to anti-competitive practices.
Bayard Wickliffe Heath was born on February 25, 1947. He earned a bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Washington & Jefferson College and a juris doctor from Suffolk University.
Bayard W. Heath was the Assistant State Attorney, Dade County State Attorney’s (Janet Reno) Office in Miami, FL, from 1976-79. He was also the Assistant Attorney General for the Florida Attorney General’s Office, Antitrust Section, in Tallahassee, FL, from 1979-90. Bayard joined Info Tech in 1990 and served as their Senior Antitrust Consultant for 18 years. His specialties were forensic economic transactional analysis, investigation/litigation support, and extensive use and development of tailored automated analysis systems.
Bayard Wickliffe Heath is survived by his wife, their daughter, Jessica, and grandchildren, James Wickliffe and Lilly Read Quance. He passed away on October 3, 2008.
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