James Edmundson Ingraham Endowed Fund in Veterinary Medicine
Fund Purpose
GA: (during donor's lifetime) support research in rehabilitative medicine in the College; (after donor's death) support a faculty member with the rank of associate or full professor with preference as follows: rehabilitative medicine, then orthopedic surgery in Vet Med at UF; if support is not needed in these areas, support teaching, research and programs in Vet Med at the discretion of the Dean.
GA: (during donor's lifetime) support research in rehabilitative medicine in the College; (after donor's death) support a faculty member with the rank of associate or full professor with preference as follows: rehabilitative medicine, then orthopedic surgery in Vet Med at UF; if support is not needed in these areas, support teaching, research and programs in Vet Med at the discretion of the Dean.
Support research in rehabilitative medicine in the College; Support a faculty member with the rank of associate or full professor with preference as follows: rehabilitative medicine, then orthopedic surgery in Vet Med at UF; if support is not needed in these areas, support teaching, research and programs in Vet Med at the discretion of the Dean.
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