Thomas H. Maren Scholarship for Doctoral Nursing Students
GA(Amended): support students pursuing doctoral studies in the College of Nursing; monies are to be used in such a manner to make the greatest impact per student (whether that is tuition support only, or tuition support and stipend).
Students pursuing doctoral studies in the College of Nursing; funds are to be used in such a manner to make the greatest impact per student (whether that is tuition support only, or tuition support and stipend).
Thomas H. Maren spent most of his career—much of it in scientific research—at the University of Florida’s College of Medicine. He was a founding faculty member of the College of Medicine and chairman of UF’s Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics for 22 years. After earning his bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Princeton in 1938, Maren went to work as a research chemist before earning his medical degree at Johns Hopkins in 1951. He taught for five years at Hopkins as an instructor of pharmacology and therapeutics and then worked with the American Cyanamid Company as a pharmacologist.
Dr. Maren arrived at the University of Florida in 1955, a year before the opening of the university’s medical school, and stayed until a year after his retirement in 1998 as a graduate research professor. He gained international recognition for his pioneering investigation of an enzyme called carbonic anhydrase and its role in fluid production and flow in the eyes, brain, spinal cord and lymph system. His research led to the development of Trusopt, an important drug for the treatment of glaucoma. Maren’s discoveries also paved the way for the development of new drugs to treat heart and kidney disease, brain fluid disorders and altitude sickness. He passed away on August 15, 1999.
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