Allen L. Poucher Legal Education Series Fund
GA: support for Florida Law Review to bring a topical distinguished visiting professor, lecturer, expert panel or other legal expert(s) to headline an annual legal education event at the College; the event may include, but shall not be limited to , lectures, classes, open student forums, faculty seminars, reception and dinner, or other meal gatherings.
This fund was established in 2006 by Betty Poucher, Elizabeth Poucher Reynolds and Allen L. Poucher, Jr., in loving memory of Allen L. Poucher, Sr., to support a visiting professor, lecturer, expert panel or other legal expert to head an annual educational event.
Allen Poucher earned his bachelor’s degree in business administration and his juris doctor in 1942 from the University of Florida. He first practiced law with the Jacksonville firm of R. P. Daniel and then joined Knight, Kincaid, Poucher and Harris. He was a 50-year member of the Florida Bar Association. Allen and Betty K. Poucher had been married for 55 years before his passing and had two children, Allen L. Poucher, Jr. and Elizabeth Poucher Reynolds.
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