Robert F. and Patricia J. Lanzillotti Family Fund
GA: support research, conferences, symposia and other programs of the Public Policy Research Center; additionally, as an inherent part of the Center's annual conference, a portion of the income will be used to award "The Robert F. Lanzillotti Prize" for the best research work nationally, during the year (published or unpublished), in the field of antitrust policy; recipient will be required to present a public lecture at UF; the prize will initially be $5,000 but may be adjusted from time to time to reflect inflation changes.
Robert Lanzillotti
Robert Lanzillotti, dean emeritus of the Warrington College of Business, and his family foundation established this fund in 2007 to support research, conferences, symposia and other programs. Also an eminent scholar emeritus, Lanzillotti headed the University of Florida business school from 1969 to 1987. Robert, Patricia Lanzillotti and their daughter, Donna Lee, have made many contributions to UF, including a teaching enhancement program and resources to fund a joint scholarship for students in business and journalism.
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