Gene A. and Dr. Richard E. Garrett Endowment for Physics Education
GA: Support awards to students in the Physics Department at the College; criteria: 1) enrolled with major in Physics Dept. at UF for academic year the award is granted; 2) be an American citizen or individual legally entitled to reside within US; 3) be in financial need to continue their education or to participate in Professional Meetings, such as American Physics Society, American Assoc of Physics Teachers, FL Academy of Science or their successors as an active participant; 4) may apply for monies to support their research in teaching physics at any academic level (high school, College, or Graduate level); 5) Undergraduate recipients are encouraged to attend UF as a grad student; 6) award may be given for more than one year; (7) selected by a committee of Physics faculty primarily associated with undergraduate Physics Education, appointed by Fund Administrator; Amount of awards will be determined by need and number of applicants. Undergrads will be given first priority with females given preference so long as gender imbalance exists in student enrollment in the Dept. of Physics. At such time as imbalance no longer exists, then award will no longer be given on a gender preference.
Richard E. Garrett was born February 17, 1922. He earned a bachelor’s degree in Physics and Math from Roanoke College in 1942, a master’s degree in Physics from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1950, and a Ph.D. from the University of Virginia in 1953.
Coming to the University of Florida in 1963, Richard was an Associate Professor of Physics before working as a Professor of Physics from 1970 to 1974. From then until he retired, he was a Professor of Physics and Associate Chairman of the Physics Department.
Gene A. Garrett earned a bachelor’s degree from Roanoke College in 1946.
Gene passed away in 2010 followed by Richard in 201
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