Attorneys’ Title Insurance Fund Instructional Endowment
GA: support teaching and faculty research in area of real estate law, to include, but not be limited to, adjunct faculty, term professors and lectures.
This fund was established by Attorneys’ Title Insurance Fund, Inc. in 2004 for the purpose of supporting teaching and faculty research in the area of real estate law including, but not be limited to, adjunct faculty, term professors and lectures.
As the nation’s first Bar-related® title insurance underwriter, Attorneys’ Title Insurance Fund, Inc. has been providing extensive support for the real estate practices of Florida attorneys since 1948. During that time, they established themselves as the leading title insurance underwriter in Florida, with nearly a quarter of all premium dollars generated within the state, and the sixth largest in the country. They have now formed a joint venture with Old Republic Title to provide opportunities for expansion of services to the attorneys of Florida.
Other Fredric G. Levin College of Law Giving Opportunities

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The Bilzin Sumberg Samuel C. Ullman Memorial Endowed Graduate Tax Programs Scholarship Fund

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Akerman, Senterfitt et al Scholarship

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Judge George C. Carr Scholarship Fund