Dr. Elizabeth M. Eddy Endowment
See court order: spendable income will be used to support applied anthropology in the Department of Anthropology through visiting or term professorships, student workshops, graduate student support such as fellowships or assistantships, and other uses designed to support applied anthropology, with a preference for applied cultural anthropology. Decisions on the uses of the spendable income will be made by the Chair of the Department in consultation with the Department's Executive Committee. If any of the spendable income from the endowment is not used in the manner described in any fiscal year, then the remaining funds may be deposited in the "Friends of Anthropology" account (F000393) for use by the Department. If, in the opinion of the board of Directors of the Foundation, all or part of the gift cannot be used in the manner described in this agreement, the Board shall transfer the gift to the :Zora Neale Hurston Fund" at the University of Florida Foundation.
This fund was established by the estate of Elizabeth M. Eddy in 2004 for the purpose of supporting applied cultural anthropology in the Department of Anthropology in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Eddy graduated from Wellesley in 1947 and from Columbia University in 1961. At UF, she was the director of the Urban Studies Bureau from 1967 to 1972 and a member of the anthropology department at the University of Florida from 1971 until her retirement as a professor emeritus in 1984. Eddy was the author of numerous articles and three books. She also served as a consultant to various programs related to education and as an editor for several books and journals.
Eddy passed away on February 6, 2004 at the age of 78. She is survived by her sister and niece.
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