Henry and Eugenia Graham Professional Development Fund for Science/Health Communication
GA: To support professional development activities of faculty who are teaching, researching or providing service in the fields of science/health communication. Activities may include, but are not limited to, professional/educational conference attendance and presentation, site visits with writers & editors of science/health publications & visits with health/science & communication professionals at public & private agencies dedicated to health/science issues.
This fund was established in 2004 by Henry “Tip” and Diane Graham, Jr., in honor of Tip’s parents to support professional development activities of faculty who are teaching, researching or providing service in fields of science/health communication.
Henry H. Graham, Sr. earned his bachelor’s degree in chemistry from the University of Florida in 1937. He was a longtime physician in the Gainesville community. Eugenia Graham, was a medical technician and is noted for opening the nation’s second blood bank in St. Louis in 1927.
Henry “Tip” H. Graham, Jr. passed away on July 17, 2010.
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