HSA Alumni Scholarship
GA: support scholarships to students in Dept of Health Services Administration in College of Public Health and Health Professions.
The Alumni of the Department of Health Services Research, Management and Policyone of the six departments in the College of Public Health and Health Professions at the University of Floridacreated this fund in 2002 to help future Health Science Administration alumni.
The following points outline the mission of the Department of Health Services Research, Management and Policy at the University of Florida:
Prepare highly qualified and motivated students in our master’s degree programs to become effective managers and leaders of health services organizations.
Educate outstanding doctoral students to become health services researchers who contribute to the body of knowledge regarding the organization, delivery, and financing of health services.
Conduct research that achieves national, peer recognition for its contribution to creating new knowledge and for its value in informing health services practice and policy.
Serve as active participants and leaders in our University, professional, and health services communities.
* Awards made subject to funding availabilit
Other College of Public Health & Health Professions Giving Opportunities

Giving Opportunity
Margaret Clare Shoemyen Graduate Fund in Occupational Therapy

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Geoffrey Clark-Ryan Memorial Endowment

Giving Opportunity
Sandra J. Edwards and Alfred B. Garcia Fund for Occupational Therapy