V. T. and Louise Jackson Chemistry Endowment
GA: to support the following 1) at least 35% for Jackson Professorship in Chem, 2) at least 8% for Jackson Term Professorship in Chem, 3) at least 8-20% for Fellowship in Chem, & 4) at least 6-10% for Lectureship in Chem for physical or Organic Chem, 5)up to 10% shall be used to support instructional/research enhancements in Dept. Chem. Any remaining funds may be used, as needed, for any reason of the above-designated purpose.
In 2002, The Betty J. & J. Stanley Livingstone Charitable Foundation established this fund as part of the V.T. and Louise Jackson Chemistry Endowment.
Vestus Twiggs “V.T.” and Louise Jackson were the parents of Betty Livingstone. Originally from Georgia, V.T. earned his doctorate from the University of Chicago. At the University of Florida, he was a pioneer faculty member of the Department of Chemistry and taught general chemistry from 1924 until his death in 1951. Specializing in physical inorganic chemistry, he did research in Spanish moss and sodium carbonate reactions. A section in UF’s Hume Residence Hall is named in honor of him.
After graduating magna cum laude in chemistry from Florida State University, Betty Jackson married Stanley Livingstone and moved to Boston where she worked in a chemistry research program at MIT. Moving to Charlotte NC, the Livingstones founded Livingstone Coating Corp. where Betty developed successful applications of Teflon and other industrial coatings in various industries. The Foundation was funded after her death in 1986 and the UF endowment honors both Betty and her parents.
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