Melvin Greer Academic Endowment Fund
Support teaching, research and academic programs in Neurology.

Melvin Greer
This fund was established in honor of Melvin Greer in 2000 for the purpose of supporting teaching, research and academic programs in the Department of Neurology in the College of Medicine.
Greer was born October 14, 1929. He earned a bachelor’s degree from New York University College of Arts and Pure Science in 1950 and a doctor of medicine degree four years later, also from New York University.
He served his internship and residency from 1954 to 1956 at Bellevue Hospital, NY and was a Fellow in Neurology at the New York Neurological Institute of the Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center.
At the University of Florida, Greer has served as the Bob Paul Family Professor of Neurology, Professor of Neurology, Professor of Psychiatry and Professor of Pediatrics and as past chairman of the Department of Neurology.
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