Marion B. Brechner First Amendment Project Endowment
Fund Purpose
Amended agreement: support research, reports, articles, teaching, study, service, scholarship and/or programming related to contemporary issues of freedom of expression, including current issues affecting freedom of information and access to information, freedom of speech, freedom of press and freedom of thought; support to include costs related to student assistants, support staff, computer software and hardware, publicity and events, research materials such as books, journals and other publications, and travel[related and research-related expenses incurred by the faculty leaders of the Marion B. Brechner First amendment Project Endowment and its student assistants.
Amended agreement: support research, reports, articles, teaching, study, service, scholarship and/or programming related to contemporary issues of freedom of expression, including current issues affecting freedom of information and access to information, freedom of speech, freedom of press and freedom of thought; support to include costs related to student assistants, support staff, computer software and hardware, publicity and events, research materials such as books, journals and other publications, and travel[related and research-related expenses incurred by the faculty leaders of the Marion B. Brechner First amendment Project Endowment and its student assistants.
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