David M. Drylie, M.D. Urology Residents Education Endowment Fund
GA: support educational experiences for residents in Div of Urology; including travel & tuition for urology meetings to present papers, preparation for board exams, & other educ courses.
This fund was established in 1998 by Sara Drylie, in memory of her husband, David M. Drylie, to support educational experiences for residents in the Division of Urology.
David was born December 5, 1931. He graduated from the Bowman Gray School of Medicine and received their Distinguished Alumnus Award in 1981. After graduating, Drylie completed an internship at Emory University Hospital before moving to Gainesville in 1959. There, he completed residency training in both general surgery and urology at the University of Florida’s College of Medicine, becoming the second urology resident and faculty member at Shands.
Drylie spent his 25-year medical career to treating and researching diseases that impair urinary function. Beginning in 1971, Drylie directed UF’s Division of Urology. He pioneered the use of cryosurgery, a giant leap forward for doctors and their patients. From 1972 to 1994, he served as division chief integrating private urologists into the teaching program, as well as developing academic and medical affiliations with the Veteran’s Administration hospital. He was also a former president of the Florida Urological Society and the Alachua County Medical Society.
David and his wife, Sara, had four children. David passed away on April 12, 1997.
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