Alfred A. Ring Trust Fund
Support lectureship in areas of Finance, Economics or Real Estate.
Alfred A. Ring
This fund was established in 1998 by the estate of Alfred A. Ring to support a lectureship in areas of finance, economics or real estate in the Warrington College of Business.
Alfred A. Ring was a noted educator, realtor, businessman and philanthropist whose gifts included funds for the University’s varsity tennis complex. In May of 1999, Ring was recognized as a recipient of the University of Florida’s Distinguished Achievement Award.
Dr. Ring taught at New York University prior to coming to the University of Florida when he was offered a position of associate professor in the Department of Real Estate. In addition, Dr. Ring taught business administration courses at the University of Florida for almost 25 years. He received his bachelor’s of science degree, his master’s of business administration and his Ph.D. from New York University.
After Ring retired in 1970 as Chair of University of Florida’s Department of Real Estate and Land Economics, he published several books and worked as a consultant for a Washington think tank.
His wife, Emily, preceded him in death on October 14, 1996. Alfred Ring passed away on September 5, 2006.
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