Margaret E. Raynal Women’s Volleyball Endowment
GA: support scholarships for women's volleyball, then women's basketball.
Margaret Raynal
This memorial endowment was established by H. Middleton and Florence C. Raynal to honor their daughter, Margaret, and her love of volleyball.
Margaret E. Raynal was a highly admired statewide trainer for the Florida Traffic and Bicycle Safety Education Program in the department of Urban and Regional Planning at UF. Raynal earned a master’s degree in health science education at UF in 1992. She instructed teachers and law enforcement officers in proper bicycle techniques so that they could teach safety to children. She also was a large promoter of bicycle helmet legislation and campaigns that helped establish a law requiring children under the age of 16 to wear helmets.
In 1996, Raynal was killed when a pickup trucked swerved off a road in Clay County and collided with her and five other members of the Gainesville Cycling Club. At Raynal’s memorial service, a letter from Governor Lawton Chiles was read which praised her exemplary commitment and character.