Linda Wilson College of the Arts Endowment
Fund Purpose
Support the Linda Wilson Lifetime Achievement Award presented to an individual for long standing accomplishments in the field of Musical Theatre as well as to support that recipient to present a master class, performance and/or lecture to UF students. The proceeds from the fund may also be utilized for Linda Wilson Scholarships for students studying musical theatre, as well as musical theatre guest artists. Travel and expenses specifically related to the Linda Wilson Lifetime Achievement Award are permitted.
Support the Linda Wilson Lifetime Achievement Award presented to an individual for long standing accomplishments in the field of Musical Theatre as well as to support that recipient to present a master class, performance and/or lecture to UF students. The proceeds from the fund may also be utilized for Linda Wilson Scholarships for students studying musical theatre, as well as musical theatre guest artists. Travel and expenses specifically related to the Linda Wilson Lifetime Achievement Award are permitted.
Support Linda W Wilson Lifetime Achievement Award; recipient to give a master class, a performance and/or lecture. May be used for scholarships to students studying musical theatre.
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