Coker, Schickel, Sorenson and Posgay, P.A. Trial Team
GA/Amend: Support any purpose that directly benefits the University of Florida Law Trial Team program: including, but not limited to, supporting Trail Team's participation in intramural/extramural trial team competitions, expenses associated with competition exhibit preparation, motions or briefs, and hosting intercollegiate trial team competitions at the College under auspices/sponsorship of the UF Law Trail Team Program. (See Amended and Restated GA for details)
This fund was established in 1995 by Coker, Schickel, Sorensen and Posgay, P.A. to support the University of Florida Law Trial Team program.
Coker, Schickel, Sorensen and Posgay, P.A. is a full-service trial practice firm in Jacksonville, FL that was formed in 1976.
Howard Coker is president and a founding partner of the firm. He earned a bachelor’s degree bachelor’s degree in journalism in 1969 and a juris doctorate in 1971, both from the University of Florida.
Jake Schickel is also a founding partner of the law firm. He earned a bachelor’s degree in political science in 1970 and a juris doctorate in 1972, both from the University of Florida.
Charles Sorensen became a partner at Coker, Schickel, Sorensen and Posgay, P.A in 1986. He earned a bachelor’s degree in 1972 and a juris doctorate in 1975, both from Mercer University.
Matthew Posgay is also a firm partner. He earned a bachelor’s degree in political science in 1991 and a juris doctorate in 1994, both from the University of Florida.
Trial Team is a co-curricular organization that helps prepare students for trial practices. Prominent lawyers and judges preside over the competitions and critique student performances.
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