Holland & Knight LLP Scholarship
GA: support education and research activities of College of Law.
This endowment was established by the law firm of Holland and Knight. Bill McBride, chairman of Holland and Knight’s Management Committee and a 1975 UF graduate, said, “We’re trying to respond to the law school’s need for resources and to the professional imperative to support legal education.”
The law firm created this endowment through employee contributions as well as Holland and Knight’s matching fund program. Many UF graduates are employed by the firm and choose to demonstrate their support through personal and corporate donations.
Holland and Knight has a tradition of contributing the community. All of the firm’s offices maintain an “Opening Doors for Children” program and provide legal services for the poor. The firm has created 48 programs that address the needs of children at risk. They support the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of America, organize field trips and tutoring programs for children, and offer opportunities for kids to attend camps like the Brains and Basketball Program. The firm’s attorneys also dedicate a significant portion of their time to pro bono case
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