Judge George C. Carr Scholarship Fund
News Release: support merit scholarship to offset students' expenses throughout law school.
In honor of U.S. District Judge George C. Carr, Lakeland attorney Robert L. Trohn spearheaded a drive to establish this scholarship endowment. “George Carr was our friend,” Trohn said in a letter to potential donors. “He shared an abiding interest with many of us in the University of Florida College of Law. A scholarship in his name would honor and perpetuate his memory as well as benefit the school.”
Judge Carr was appointed to the federal bench in 1977 after working as the law partner of former U.S. Sen. Lawton Chiles. Carr served as chief judge of the Middle District of Florida until he died of cancer in 1990. His friends and family felt that the best way to pay tribute to him was through helping others. This merit scholarship finances a student’s expenses of room, board, tuition and books for three years of law schoo
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