Classics Department Endowed Enrichment Fund
This fund was established in 1990 to support the Department of Classics, its faculty and students and projects.
Classics as taught at the University of Florida is a broad, basic and interdisciplinary humanities field which offers students the opportunity to study Greek and Roman civilization in all of its exciting aspects. The Department provides instruction in the Greek and Latin languages and literatures, as well as course work in English translation dealing with archaeology, civilization, Egyptology, history, mythology, religion, linguistics, literary genres, medicine, athletics and the status of women. Over 800 students per year work to fulfill their language requirements in Latin or Greek, while many hundreds more take courses in English translation to meet General Education guidelines. Thus they serve a wide constituency of students ranging from those who wish to specialize in ancient languages to those who desire a general background in the Graeco Roman world as a foundation for a liberal arts education.
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