Dolly and Robert L. Secrist, Sr. Scholarship Fund
GA: support at least three scholarships annually at the University of Florida; preference shall be given to students who have completed their freshman years; scholarship shall be renewable three year scholarships; criteria: minimum 3.0 grade point average and financial need. If there are insufficient funds to provide three scholarships in a particular year, the Donors are to be notified and given the option to fund the shortfall.
Robert L. Secrist Jr. and his wife Patricia established this endowment in honor of his parents, Dolly and Robert Secrist Sr. Secrist Jr. said, “I have always felt that my success and that of my brothers and sister was based upon the education we received at the University of Florida and the help and guidance provided by my mother and father. My wife and I are making this gift to honor them and the University of Florida for what they have done for all of us.” Robert Jr. graduated from UF in 1963. Robert Jr. and Patricia live in Winter Par
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