Dr. and Mrs. James Robert Spencer Professorship of Pathology, Immunology, and Laboratory Medicine
Fund Purpose
Support excellence in teaching, research, and clinical services in the Department of Pathology through a physician-pathologist totally dedicated to this pursuit. The individual chosen for this chair will be nationally recognized for contributions to some field related to the study of human disease, and who has demonstrated outstanding talent in teaching medical students and fellows both formally and through personal example of his or her practice, the principles of human disease. He or she will be nominated by the Chairman of the department and approved by the Dean of the College of Medicine. He or she must be a regular member of the faculty of the Department of Pathology; can be used in part or in whole for the salary and fringe benefits of the holder of the Chair, and/or for the support of his or her research, teaching, and those other medical professional and scholarly activities necessary to achieve the goals of the Chair.
Support excellence in teaching, research, and clinical services in the Department of Pathology through a physician-pathologist totally dedicated to this pursuit. The individual chosen for this chair will be nationally recognized for contributions to some field related to the study of human disease, and who has demonstrated outstanding talent in teaching medical students and fellows both formally and through personal example of his or her practice, the principles of human disease. He or she will be nominated by the Chairman of the department and approved by the Dean of the College of Medicine. He or she must be a regular member of the faculty of the Department of Pathology; can be used in part or in whole for the salary and fringe benefits of the holder of the Chair, and/or for the support of his or her research, teaching, and those other medical professional and scholarly activities necessary to achieve the goals of the Chair.
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